Will Winslett: Strong Bonds Bring Success

Will Winslett APPROVED

Posted on August 05, 2024

Will Winslett: Strong Bonds Bring Success

This month we’re featuring Will Winslett, our TBCo VP and Pensacola Branch Manager who has been on the Tom Barrow Company team for three years.

When asked what makes TBCo Pensacola special, Will focused on the family atmosphere at the branch. “I am proud of the team of people I get to work with day in, day out. Having a strong team and good camaraderie in the office makes work enjoyable and supporting the customers' needs easier. When everyone is pulling in the same direction, you can accomplish so much more together.”

A recent project highlighted the Pensacola team’s commitment to their customers. He explained they had a mechanical contractor call the branch late last year with a dilemma. “Their air handler manufacturer had dropped the ball on lead times with eight rooftop chilled water air handler units for a hospital project. At the time, Nortek’s lead times were shorter than everyone in the industry. We were able to step in, provide a solution, and keep the project on track.”

When he’s not at the branch, there’s a good chance you’ll find Will spending time outdoors. “If I’m not working, you’ll find me on the water in the boat, on the beach, or riding our golf cart to a local restaurant.”

It’s great to see how the strong bond the Pensacola team and Will have with each other benefits their customers. We look forward to hearing about this team’s future successes!